This was the perfect opportunity to try out an East London speciality - Robins Pie & Mash shop. There are five branches who have followed the East Enders as they have migrated out to Essex over the years. The pies are made with scotch beef mince from the local butchers and offered with mash and liquor or gravy. For the fussy there is salmon and liquor but other than the ubiquitous jelled eels, that's the extent of the menu.

The pastry is good, the service fast and friendly and the white tiled decor in this kind of place hasn't changed in my lifetime. Straightforward, sound, well made and modestly priced this is the sort of food that if French would be enthusiastically touted by Rick Stein. As it is, we should savour a real East End food hero, get stuck in and not just as a hangover cure.
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