Must think up more eye catching titles for posts even especially when it's the lazy option of a restaurant review. This is a poor starter for 10, but I couldn't help it - UB40 are playing nearby on their 30th Anniversary signing off tour and I've just bagged tickets. There you go, all in one I've given away my age and my musical taste. This post marks a change. I have finally signed up to study the Wine Spirit and Education Trust Diploma, an 18 month immersion in the world of wine at a professional level. "What will it qualify in?" was my mothers concern. "Er... drinking" I replied unhelpfully.
I have been blagging it for many years on the wine front and took matters in hand last year completing the certificate and advanced certificate qualifications. This of course was dangerous. Before, I thought there was a lot I knew about wine. Now I know what a vast amount there is too learn.
In truth, I was a little worried when the textbooks arrived. Five leaf bound A4 books, one per unit looked achievable but then I spied the Oxford Guide to Wine. Surely the 840 page tome was for reference? No - its part of the curriculum. Still, if you want to acquire an encyclopedic knowledge of wine guess what they are going to send you?
I must remember this is for pleasure, not work, so cheers!
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